Thursday, January 14, 2010

i think that its good to have good presentation skills because you are going to need it for when you are looking for a job you are probably going to need to present something. for that you have to have a loud voice and look good ;) and well you just need to try your best

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

i feel that i learned a lot in my engineering class because i found out that their are different types of bridges and how they are made also that i learned about global warming in how it is affecting the earth :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

solar panel cars

how do solar panel cars work?
solar cars works by using hundreds of thousands of photovoltaic cells in order to transform the sun light into electricity. photovoltaic cells are situated at the surface of the car for capturing the UV rays of the sun. photovoltaic cells captures the sunlight and transforms it to electricity. The usual or the average speed of car is about as much as 37 mph.

main disadvantage of using solar energy

the main disadvantage of solar energy is the initial cost of the equipment used to harness the suns energy. Solar energy is only useful when the sun is shining Pollution can be a disadvantage to solar panels During the night, your solar equipment will be useless!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

solar energy

solar energy

pros: one of the great pros of solar energy is the ability to harness electricity in remote locations that are not linked to a national grid. also another great pro of solar energy is the cost. although the initial investment of solar cells may be high, once installed they provide a free source of electricity which will pay off over the coming years

solar energy: is only able to generate electricity during day light hours. this means thats half of each day solar panels are not producing energy for your home


what i did this weekend was fun because i went out with my cousin and his friends we went to the movies and then from their we went to go eat at burger king it was super fun then on saturday i went ice skating with my friends from my old school and i stayed over at one of my friends house then on sunday i went home and i stayed their the whole day that's what i did this weekend